When visiting mothers about two weeks postpartum, I often find moms are feeling more like themselves and ready to start doing more activities. Their newborns often have other ideas, sometimes wanting to be held most of the day. To help meet the need of baby and mother I often recommend the use of baby wearing. The practice of baby wearing is know the world over and has been used for centuries. It enables the mother to maintain the closeness with her child, but also free her hands for other tasks and activities. Beyond the practical benefits for the mother by wearing her child, there are many benefits of baby wearing for the baby itself. Many of these benefits are outlined by Dr. Sears on his website AskDrSears.com . Some of these benefits include a baby that cries less, increased brain development, and more opportunities for nurturing touch which has benefits of its own. While there are many options of carriers available, I like to show my clients a basic carry us