I’m not
every doula….and that is ok
The year of 2017 has definitely been one of growth for
me. I successfully completed my
Breastfeeding Educator certification, recertified as a DONA birth doula, and
currently am working to become a certified Childbirth Educator. It feels like I'm wearing a lot of hats. I sometimes need to remind myself that I am
not every doula, and that is ok.
I offer many services, but not everything. I am ok with that. Sometimes it is in the things that I am not, that strengthens those that I am. Let me give some examples.
Birth photographer
I bring a basic digital camera with me to births, but only
bring it out at the request of my clients. I take a few pictures, but would
rather focus on being present with the client and preserving the space around
this precious event and offering the emotional physical support needed in the
Medical care provider
Some doulas are in training to be a nurse, midwife
assistant, midwife, or future doctor. I
have never felt inclined to fill that role.
My gift is in emotional and educational support; sensing and responding
to the needs of the family in birth and postpartum. A supportive touch, encouraging affirmation,
a change in position, or a listening ear to the birth song of mothers in
transition are all just as valuable.
Social Media Guru
While I do make use of social media platforms, more often I
am using my time to increase my knowledge and skills set to best suit the needs
of my clients. My clients can trust that
knowledge I share is evidence based and current. Clients feel free to contact
me throughout their pregnancy with questions or concerns or joys, knowing I
will be compassionate and quick to respond with resources to meet their needs.
Placenta Encapsulation
While there is the beginning of evidence for the benefits of
this practice, I am more confident in my training as a Postpartum Doula to help
ease the transition into the fourth trimester.
I can help clients get more sleep, eat nutritious foods, gain confidence
in being parents and help breastfeeding get off to a great start.

My name is Leah Garner and I provide
compassionate care to women and their families through birth and beyond.
And I am ok with that.
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